Thursday, June 13, 2013

Spiritual vs Religious

Call to Prayer Clipart

Whether secular or non-secular there are terms used in the spiritual world and the religious world that will always bring a frown of doubt.  There are many questions that arise on several levels but I will try to convey the basic simple ones.  I don't have the expertise to get very deep into the issues and, frankly, I don't even care to get into it that much.

Spiritual - Religious
When speaking of a spiritual being, a spiritual feeling, a spiritual experience does that infer connotations of mysticism or para-normal senses or Asian-inspired religiosity?  On any given day we can turn on a tv program that searches for ghosts, centers on seances, emphasizes the spirituality of feng shui , etc.  So does that mean that spiritual is mystical or para-normal.  The secular world would have us believe that being spiritual has nothing to do with our religion and our relationship with God.  They would rather we bought into the subtle hints that to be spiritual is to be silly, uninformed and gullible.  How sad.

To be referred to as a 'religious leader' should garner respect from most corners of society. But does it?  In today's secular dominated world it's almost a slur, it's someone to scoff at and not take seriously.  Have we been indoctrinated to feel that the word religious really means bible-thumping, holier-than-thou preaching, or dull & staid living?  I mean, you can't be religious AND have fun!
Can you follow and practice a religion without being religious? be a religious person does that mean you have to walk around quoting the Bible or the Koran? 
A Minister Standing and Clasping His Hands - Royalty Free Clipart Picture

Our religion molds who we are at each stage of our life.  For the secularist it's all about 'if it feels good, do it' and 'don't worry, be happy' and the end game is just the end.  But, for the religious it's all about 'do unto others...' and 'be still and know that I am God' and the end game is entering the Kingdom of the Lord.  One gives no hope for the future and one gives great positive hope of things to come.

Father we know of your love for us and your presence at our side.  Through you we will be strong and courageous and, in your name we will stand tall and proclaim our devotion.  Amen.


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