Monday, February 20, 2012


This past week has had some indicators that are showing some changes in Don's thought processes and I'm fairly certain it is due to the continuation of the diseases he has to live with.  Once example is his inability to actually grasp the simple workings of the bed control pad.  I have sat with him dozens of times and explained the 4 buttons on the control pad, yet seldom is he able to get the results he's looking for.  It really isn't surprising that the long term effects of chronic anemia which eventually weakens everything, heart failure which results in poor circulation, and bullous emphysema which starves the blood cells for oxygen would start to show some signs of loss of concentration.  For the present, the loss is minimal but, for me, noticeable.

Watching my Donald start to lose a small part of his mental function is so very sad.  I had grown use to his gradual decline in physical abilities but always took some comfort that his mental abilities had not failed him.  I will now, after all these months, be forced to take over the finances 100% and that is one things I don't look forward to doing.  I greatly dislike dealing with that 'stuff'. 

One bright note of last week was our son, Brad, flew in from Maryland for a quick visit.  He hasn't seen Don in quite some time so had no idea what changes had taken place physically.  We had a good visit and Brad was able to attend Don's doctor appointment and talk to the Internist. 

Also, this past week I attended the New Theatre Restaurant with Mark and Marcey.  The show was one of the best I've ever seen at the dinner theater.  And, the upbeat and happy show was just what I needed to end a tiring week.

Getting the house back into some kind of order following the shake-up of moving Don downstairs and setting up a 'sickroom' plus the moving of several pieces to M&M's new home is taking much longer than I expected.  It will have to take a while as I'm trying to plan and organize some issues and I don't want to be handling and moving things anymore than necessary.

It seems that every morning between 3:30 and 5:00 am Don has a spell of coughing that generally lasts 30 to 45 minutes.  When this first started several weeks ago, I would jump right up and try to help with little effect.  Gradually, I've reached a point where I don't get up right away and, sometimes, the spell will be a short one and I can go back to sleep.  This morning was not one of those times.  His coughing started about 4:35, I got up at 5:00.  I found him on top of his blankets, cold, he hadn't tried blowing his nose or drinking some water or changing position.  I was forced to treat him as a child and give him instructions following which he settled back down.  I turned out his lights and set his TV to easy listening music and he went back to sleep.  Guess what?!?!?!  I'm still awake...  And, this is one example of why I'm always praying for patience and strength, patience and strength.

Father, I know that you know how much I love you.  And, I know that you know that I feel safer with you at my side keeping me strong and giving me what is needed to carry through the day.  Bless my family and friends in their endeavors.  Bless Don as he fights this losing battle, as he walks this path, and as he climbs this mountain.  Amen.


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