This is the basic question that I have asked:
>When going to a Chinese, Thai, or Vietnamese restaurant what is your reaction to the statue of Buddha that is often placed somewhere in the customer area?
>If you go to an Indian restaurant for some curry, do the Hindu symbols bother you in any way?
>Should you happen to pick a Lebanese or Moroccan restaurant for dinner, does the crescent moon symbol on your menu, tableware, and behind the cash register offend you in any way?
Asia is predominately Buddhist, with a smattering of other religions thrown in the mix. They are not suppose to consume alcohol and although they are allowed to eat fish and meat, they tend to be vegetarians. This is a religion that teaches peace and self awareness.
In India the cow is sacred. Although the Hindu laws vary by region and sect they generally don't eat beef and usually not pork and a large part of their diet includes vegetables. Hindu is a religion of many gods, each with it's own purpose and meaning. Hinduism, also is a religion that promotes a peaceful presence and acceptance.
The Muslim religious symbol is the crescent moon that most of us can easily recognize. This is a religion that has many dietary laws that includes no alcohol beverage and not eating pork. The Muslims worship Allah and the profit Muhammad. This is a religion that promotes forced conversion and sacrifice. This is the largest single religion in the world.
The Star of David and color of medium or royal blue are two symbols that are familiar worldwide for the Jewish religion, the oldest of the major religions. There are numerous dietary laws in the Jewish religion, but the key is that all foods are to be 'kosher'. The Jewish religion follows the one God, Jehovah, and teaches peace, accountability, and sharing.
An off-shoot of the Jewish religion, the Christian symbol is a cross which they use to indicate that they are followers of Jesus Christ. There are many subgroups but generally there are no dietary laws.
While the old covenant of the Bible is dedicated to the Jews, the new covenant is dedicated to the gentiles. Christianity promotes peace, understanding, and individual choices and is the second larges religion in the world.
While I realize the above is a very very short snapshot of the major religions, why is it that this is the only religion that is frowned upon when placing their symbol in public? The people I asked about this gave this answer, one way or another:
a. The cross denotes religion while the other symbols are more decoration.
b. The cross and star of david are for a religion but the others are for a culture.
Huh?!?!?!?! This demonstrates just how much we need to pray for the lost souls and koolaid drinkers.
Lord, we thank you for all you have done for us and given us. We pray that those lost and not sure just how to come to you will know that you already know their heart and all they need do is recognize your presence in their life. Amen.
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