Friday, December 30, 2011


It's been a fairly busy week and 2011 is almost at an end.  It hasn't been a very good year for Don and me.  His health has taken a turn that started a few years ago, but in the past 8 months has accelerated greatly.  The doctor increased his diuretic a few days ago and it has made no change in Don's weight.  I called in a report today and the nurse called to let me know that I'm to continue as prescribed.  Yesterday was a very bad day for Don but today he feels more like his 'normal'.

Three years ago when I retired we had such dreams.  We made a list of things we wanted to do as we grew older together.  That has all changed dramatically!  Obviously, we should never take good health and old age for granted.  The whole situation has been quite a wake-up for me.  At times like this, I have found that it is taking some self-analysis and goal-setting. 

While my own health has to come first for me, I know that everything is done in order to better care for Don.  I'm still trying to work my way through organizational thoughts regarding integrating Don's daily needs with my own.  Don's meal have to stay on a schedule that allows only 'some' leeway or he won't eat enough nutritional food.  I'm not able to give him snacks because then he only picks at the next meal.
Don has to be urged to drink enough water and with the high dose of diuretic it's vital.

The past few months have shown me that a certain amount of  "me" time is a necessity to allow me to stay patient with Don's needs.  I talk to God at various times during the day; sometimes just a little mention and other times it's a monologue!  But He knows me and He helps me through my days.  Don's days must be boring for him as he is in bed most of the day except for meals.  Sitting up increases his shortness of breath and wears him down. 

Maybe the New Year of 2012 will bring some brightness into our lives.


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