Saturday, April 26, 2014

My New Discovery!

Yes, I know it's been a while...again.  I'm having difficulty dealing with a couple of things but enough about that.

My dear baby brother, Raymond, was telling me about a cooking show that he and his wife, Jean, watch regularly.  Now, Raymond is the cook in the family but they both watch this show because, so he said, they think it's so entertaining.  I've heard of the program but didn't think it was something this old gal would find worth my time.  Welllllll, did I find out differently.  This TV cooking show is the bomb!

Nadia G's Bitchin Kitchen
That's the name of the show on the Cooking Channel.  I think it's on at 8:30 CT.

Sometimes Nadia is wearing much more makeup than this along with crazy clothes, but she gives a great show and cooks up some delicious looking menus.  She tries to talk and act like a 'bad girl' with some very feminine twists here and there.  She has a crew of some real screwballs that add an extra flavor to the program.

Nadia is a talented chef that has a gimmick that works.  I'm glad Raymond got me to watch just one show because now I'm a fan.  She probably thinks she's targeting the young crowd, and she probably is, but we 'mature' folks get a kick out of her.  On YouTube she gets a little too bawdy for me, but that's a different venue.

Just take a look at this risotto, which I love, and you can see that Nadia's dishes are professional all the way.

See Nadia G's Best Recipes

So, take a look.  Be sure to watch the whole 30 minutes and go with the flow.  You'll feel good afterward!

Father, give us the patience and understanding we need to realize the potential in others and help us to enjoy the simple things in life.  Amen


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